If the name Boylan ist 5.417th most popular name in the USA, how and when did they come to leave Ireland?

1732   James and Aaron               To New Jersey (later PA and Iowa)


1810     William Boylan         To New Jersey, Image © Peter Boylan 2010



1845 - 1905 Unknown crossings * * * The great potato famine * * * 

1851     Frank Boylan                     To Pennsylvania & Virginia                                                      

Ship: City of Glasgow, Clan Photo, Military service in the civil war. Submitted by Doug Boylan.

1852     Christopher Boylan was born circa 1806 in Ireland and immigrated to  the US and settled in Westmoreland, Oneida Co. N.Y.  From there this group ultimately migrated to Marshall Co., Iowa.

1865?     Bridgit Boylan                   To Millvale, Pennsylvania

Bridget Boylan and her brothers, Dennis and Owen, came to the U.S. between 1860-1870 from Carrickmacross, Monaghan, Ireland. They settled in Millvale, PA a small town outside Pittsburgh. Bridget Boylan married John Morgan.

1865?     Dennis Boylan                   To Millvale, Pennsylvania


1900?  James Boylan came to Ayr, Scotland from Carrickmackross, Ireland around 1900 where he married and had three sons he moved to Galston in Ayrshire, UK in 1913 where he practiced his trade as a farrier. His son also worked the family business as a farrier until the outbreak of the Second World War. He died in 2000 aged 89.  Submitted by Jamess grandson Phil Boylan.

1915   Anthony Boylans saga.       To Pennsylvania

           Co Mayo Ireland Family News

Find out about 479 other Boylans who passed through Ellis Island.

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