Recommended reading: It costs nothing to check out Boylan Name before you worry about DNA testing. A number of very similar names often do not carry Boylan DNA. After sorting that out come back here. If you are interested in the family history that a DNA test can give you, then this is the right place. 

The Y chromosome is passed from father to son for generations without many changes. Such paternal Y-DNA markers can identified with DNA tests. Disclaimer - as with all paternity tests, the rule is that you must be ready to expect the unexpected. Perhaps great-grandma had a fling with the postman. You will only know when you get the test results...

DNA analysis is particularly valuable to research family history that is older than written family records. Even if you are sure that your family tree goes all the way back to James and Aaron Boylan 1730 from Colerain, you still dont know which of the following Irish Boylan septs you belong to. You will need to take a DNA test to find out!

There are cheaper tests, but if you can, please go with the 379 $ Big Y 700 test because

  1. You get all the answers on the first try.
  2. Only Big-Y tests provide the full data needed to put leaves in the right places of the DNA BIG TREE
  3. Every individual Big Y 700 test helps Clan Boylan to work out more more deep Clan history - THANK YOU!
  4. You save the inevitable time and effort of upgrading to bigger tests. Do it right the first time!
  5. You can save a bit of money by not fooling around with smaller SNP tests for the wrong groups.


Colla-Boylans Click for 300.000 years of Clan history

                                   Click for Colla-Boylan DNA Chart - going back BEFORE Adam  

Peters Pioneers, line 11 only lists 8 individuals in FTDNA Group 3. Please help us by submitting your test!                            BY24138 428117, 65227, 86258, 274975, 456444, 118214, N50500

Click to here for Colla Boylan FT Big Y 700 DNA Test (about 379 $) This test above works well even if you are not Colla Boylan - you will receive very detailed results and find out what DNA you have. A positive result lets you know that you really are a Colla-Boylan and this is your Clan history. This test can also be a big help for Clan history research. But you only if you join the Clan Boylan DNA Project AND if you permit the anonymous results to link to the the Big Tree. We can very gladly help you to do this if you like...

Click here for a low cost 18 Dollar Y24138 Colla/Boylan testA positive result lets you know that you really are a Colla-Boylan and this is your clan history.

Diaspora-Boylans USA
Clan Boylan is urgently requesting your help to determine the DNA of James and Aaron b 1710, William Boylan b 1799 and William Boylan b 1810. Please take a Big Y-DNA 700 test and make sure the results get in the big tree or stay in touch with this website. The current number of tests published on the big tree and FTDNA are so low as to be very inconclusive. If you support the Boylan DNA project, you are not only supporting the history of Clan Boylan in the USA, we can also draw very valuable conclusions about older history of Clan Boylan in Ireland and even much further back! Please help us and take the big Y test.

Diaspora-Boylans Mexico 
Estimado Boylan Mexicano, ¡El Clan Boylan está pidiendo tu ayuda! Esperamos conocer el ADN de su antepasado Boylan que vino a México. Cualquier Boylan mexicano masculino con una línea masculina ininterrumpida hasta el primer Boylan que vino a México puede ayudar a resolver este misterio tomando una prueba de la gran Y de FTDA. ¡Ayúdanos y haz la prueba!

Clontibret-Boylans                   Very rare! So far only identified around Clontibret

History: Patrick O'Boylan paid the Hearth Tax in 1663 and 1665. Most (or all?) Boylans in Clontibret stem from him. Clan Boylan is very proud of Clontibret Boylans for holding the northern flank of Dartry (in Mongahan) for the last 400 years.

Clontibret Boylan DNA history:                     

                       Click for Clontibret Boylan DNA Test $18 for A9845 SNP (only 18 USD !)


American Descendants of Aaron Carrol Boylan

According to FTDNA, Aaron Carrol Boylan is in Group 08:

... > R-L21 >> CTS4466 > S1115 > A212 >A7699 > BY57568 >BY66248 > BY575668 (Terminal SNP)

Years before present 3800       2800        1700     1500         1400              890              ???


Raleigh North Carolina - Boylans

We sincerely hope that Boylans of all heritages and backgrounds can consider taking a BIG Y 700 DNA test.                                   Dont worry if you dont have 8 generations of documents: This is the right test and it will take you far! Feel free to consult with Clan Boylan for tips. We can help you through to the end results. And please do share those important results with us!


M222-Boylans                     Are said to exist, but none have contacted the Webportal so far.

The M222 DNA test links multiple surnames to the famous Milesian Heremon Line including Niall of the Nine Hostages.

It is not surprising that some old Boylan families test positive for M222. The ONiels and related Clans had lots of progeny in Airgialla/Oriel - close proximity to Clan Boylan. Some of these offspring were fostered by Clan Boylan.

We hope that you can enjoy researching your original Milesian Clan identity and we welcome you and hope that you are proud to bear our name and support Clan Boylan!

                         Click for Family Tree Big Y 700 DNA Test for M222 (about 379 $) This test works no matter what DNA you have.

                         M222 DNA Project

                         Clan Boylan DNA Project Please join up and help our Clan project !

                         Please tell both the Project Admin and us at the Webportal that you are an M222 Boylan.


CTS4466 - Boylans  Are said to exist, but none have contacted the Webportal so far.

 Click for Family Tree Big Y 700 DNA Test for M222 (about 379 $) This test works no matter what DNA you have.


Sorry ladies its basically a patriarchal system hardwired through the Y-Chomosomes, however you do have an important role to play to help our project: Motivate your Boylan spouse to join the DNA project (Big Y 700 if possible). If fidelity runs high in your family then, you only need one male individual to take the test. We suggest that your extended family members chip in and get grandpa tested. The results apply to all of you!  

NOTE: When you receive your test results, dont forget to link your kit number to the Boylan DNA project and click the button share your data inside FTDNA. It is all for nought for our project until you link up your data.

Maurice Gleeson is the Clan Boylan Project Administrator at FTDNA. There is an email button on FTDNAs Boylan project page to send him your questions after you join the project. We hope that future DNA testing and research will provide lots more details about Boylan history and answer the questions above, so dont hesitate. Order your DNA Big Y test kit now.


Other interesting DNA projects:

Ireland DNA Prehistory

Ireland High Resolution DNA Distribution

* OFlanagan Project Geographic neighbor Clan in Oriel

* The FTDA Clan Colla Project has proven that Colla DNA does NOT descend from Milesius or from Nail of the Nine Hostages! Josiah McGuire discovered Clan Colla DNA with the R-Z3000 SNP in 2007. You can find Clan OBoylan in the Colla tree.

The Peters Pioneers Clan Colla Null 425 Project (only 7 Boylan DNA samples!) stems from the discovery that in haplogroup R1b1a2a1a1b4 (L21) Z3004 clade there is a single subset carrying a null at DYS 425. This haplotype is associated only with The Three Collas.

* MacMahon Project A distantly related Colla Sept and powerful old neighboring Clan in Oriel